"Life is like Riding a Bicycle.... You don't fall off unless you stop pedaling." - Claude Pepper
I've been thinking a lot about my fall back plan... It's always been there and it comforts me. My fall back plan is... Giving Up. In everything I've done in my life, I've always felt comforted by the fact that I can give up, I can throw in the towel, all is done... Finito!
This last month, I had a huge awakening when I lost my back up plan. Why can't I give up? I still whine to myself sometimes! Well, this is what I learned...
There is a person in my life who has had a hard few years. Things haven't been easy and their life seems to be one bad thing after another. At some point, they went to their fall back plan and what was their reward? Their life was HARDER... It didn't solve anything. I didn't see this for what it was until I had a second experience open my eyes...
Another person in my life talked to me about a period in their life when they did give up. When things got so hard, that seemed like the only choice. They went on to tell me how it had damaged them and their relationships. How it was still damaging others. And not just how sad it was but how hard it was to get back into living again. That's when it hit home to me. My backup plan was not just flawed, it was not an option at all anymore.
I believe in God and I believe in Satan and I can firmly say that Satan wants us to feel like the only choice is to GIVE UP. He wants us to think there is not even a choice. But what do we get from going down that path? What I've learned... it's only heartache, pain, and sorrow. And when we are at the point of giving up, that's the opposite of what we need in our lives anyway.
Now this may be old news to some of you but to me, who has a had a dear friend in "I can give up if this gets too hard/too much/if I can't anymore", it made me realize that even though I haven't given up on anything big, there are small things that I sometimes do give up on and if they are important, there is no worth in giving up on them. I have a CHOICE and I choose to RIDE MY BIKE! :)